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Include at least one experiential learning opportunity that takes place outside of a traditional classroom setting; involves collaboration among students, faculty, partnering community organizations, and/or members of the larger community; and serves the common good in being beneficial for all participants. Develop students skills in at least two of the following areas: a. leadership and communication b. ethical decision making c. building respectful relationships with individuals and groups of various background. d. integrating academic concepts into real-world projects. DIRECTIONS 1) Copy and paste the criteria given above into your syllabus. Include that syllabus with your proposal in Curriculog. 2) In this document, explain how the course meets the criteria by answering the questions below. Include enough detail for the committees to be able to understand how your course meets the criteria. Feel free to copy and paste information over from your syllabus into this document to answer the questions. Include this document in your Curriculog proposal. How (e.g. based on what assignments or other activities) will Civic Engagement constitute at least 15% of a students grade? What experiential learning opportunity or opportunities are part of the course? How do these opportunities involve collaboration and with whom? What benefits do they provide for each of their participants (students, faculty, partnering community organizations, and/or members of the larger community)? How does the course do at least two of the following: a. Give students opportunities to exercise leadership and/or to practice effective communication b. Require students to consider ethical issues and support them in making ethical decisions c. Give students practice in developing respectful relationships with individuals and groups of various backgrounds d. Give students opportunities to integrate academic concepts into practical projects.     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