ࡱ> 130 Qbjbj .__VNN8L`||PRRRRRR$gvvNNNdPNPNNP oX<0, N   NvvN NX : Speaking Across the Curriculum (SPAC) SPAC courses will require students to produce formal oral presentations and provide them with opportunities to improve their skills in formal oral presentation. Course for which you are seeking approval (department and number): ______________________________________________ CRITERIA A course approved for the SPAC requirement must meet all of the following criteria: Require students to make more than one formal presentation. Provide students with formal guidance in formal oral presentation; e.g. provide rubrics, instruction, etc. Provide students with feedback on oral presentations which can be incorporated into subsequent presentations in the course. This can be done through videotaping and critiquing presentations, providing feedback on early assignments and evaluating improvement over time, and/or using a rehearsal/final performance approach. Be limited in size to 35 students or 45 with a graduate assistant. State clearly on the syllabus that students must earn at least a grade of C to earn SPAC credit. DIRECTIONS 1) Copy and paste the criteria given above into your syllabus. Include that syllabus with your proposal in Curriculog. 2) In this document, explain how the course meets the criteria by answering the questions below. Include enough detail for the committees to be able to understand how your course meets the criteria. Feel free to copy and paste information over from your syllabus into this document to answer the questions. Include this document in your Curriculog proposal. 1. How many formal presentations will students be required to make? 2. How will you provide formal guidance in the instruction of oral presentation? 3. How will students receive feedback on their oral presentations?  Where appropriate a SPAC course may involve oral presentations in a foreign language, provided the course meets all of the criteria specified above.  As a general guideline, formal presentations should be approximately ten minutes in length.     Instructors Name ________________________________________  PAGE 1 &'   > ? @ A J J K 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C Y Z  U _ ` ź٣ٚ h%5hZh%5h%5CJ aJ h> aJ !jh_h> 0JCJUaJh_h> CJaJh_h> 5CJ aJ h_h> 5h_h> aJ jh> 0JU h_h> h_h> 5CJ$aJ$7&'  > ? @ A J J K  & Fgd> &$d%d&d'dNOPQgd> gd> 2$$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQa$gd> K 5 6 7 B C %&'l/$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQgd%2$$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQa$gd%h^hgd> gd>  & Fgd>  $%&'UlmUABCDJKLMNOPQ߹h> 0JmHnHu h> 0Jjh> 0JUjh> Uh> OJQJaJ jh> 0JUh> h_h> h_h> 5 h%5hZh%5/lmABCNOPQ$a$gd> $a$gd> gd> gd> ,1h/ =!"#$% x666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666p62&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH @`@  ( NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List >@>  ( Footnote TextCJaJ@&@@  ( Footnote ReferenceH*4@4  }WHeader  !4 @"4  }WFooter  !.)@1. g0 Page NumberPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y QQZ IIUUUX Q K lQ IPRX!OR&'ORA4Fh ^`hH.h ^`hH.h pLp^p`LhH.h @ @ ^@ `hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH.h ^`hH.h ^`hH.h PLP^P`LhH.A4         %> @&&&&Q@UnknownG.[x Times New Roman5^Symbol3. *Cx ArialkMTimesNewRomanPSMTTimes New RomanC.,*{$ Calibri Light7.*{$ CalibriA$BCambria Math"qhR'R'   r43qHP+? ( 2!xxAD %Speaking Across the Curriculum (SPAC)Elizabeth Lehfeldt Marian Bleeke Oh+'0 4@ ` l x'(Speaking Across the Curriculum (SPAC)Elizabeth Lehfeldt Normal.dotmMarian Bleeke2Microsoft Office Word@@o@o  ՜.+,0  hp|  '㽶ֱ  &Speaking Across the Curriculum (SPAC) Title !"#$%&')*+,-./2Root Entry F o41Table) WordDocument.SummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8(CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q