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Explore the concept of diversity as a contemporary phenomenon (a historical approach is acceptable if it leads to an understanding of the contemporary situation). Provide students with knowledge of how the respective discipline analyzes the experience of human diversity. And courses meeting the U.S. Diversity requirement must also meet at least one of the following criteria: Promote the study of the causes and consequences of unequal access to economic, social, and political opportunity experienced by the subject group(s). Explore existing research and approaches for dealing with social diversity. Promote a greater understanding of diversity and the ability to communicate regarding matters of diversity. DIRECTIONS 1) Copy and paste the criteria given above into your syllabus. Include that syllabus with your proposal in Curriculog. 2) In this document, explain how the course meets the criteria by answering the questions below. Include enough detail for the committees to be able to understand how your course meets the criteria. Feel free to copy and paste information over from your syllabus into this document to answer the questions. Include this document in your Curriculog proposal. What aspect or aspects of human diversity does this course cover? How does the course address diversity as a contemporary phenomenon? If a historical approach is taken, how does it lead to an understanding of the contemporary situation? How does this course help students understand the appropriate discipline-specific methods or approaches for studying and analyzing the experience of human diversity? Which of these three additional criteria is addressed and how? Be sure that your answer identifies which of the criteria you are addressing. Promote the study of the causes and consequences of unequal access to economic, social, and political opportunity experienced by the subject group(s). Explore existing research and approaches for dealing with social diversity. Promote a greater understanding of diversity and the ability to communicate regarding matters of diversity. SKILL AREAS Departments are strongly encouraged to promote consistent skill areas across multiple sections of the same course. If there will be variation in the skill areas promoted, separate syllabi and relevant check sheets for each section must be submitted. Please indicate which skill areas (at least two) your course will promote and attach the relevant coversheet and answers. _____ Writing _____ Quantitative Literacy _____ Critical Thinking _____ Information Literacy _____ Group Work _____ Oral Communication _____ Civic Engagement     Instructors Name ________________________________________  PAGE 1 U . / 0 = C N E m n   ~   ;<=>ht5&h+5CJaJht5&h+CJaJh} h} 5CJ\aJht5&CJaJh+CJaJh} CJaJhM&h+CJaJhM&h+5CJ aJ hOMh+hOMh+5hM&h+5CJ$aJ$h+5CJ$aJ$h+4U N m n     & Fgdt5& & Fgd+&$d%d&d'dNOPQgd+2$$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQa$gd+gd+ =?JK-sss/$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQgdt5&2$$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQa$gdt5& gd+^gdt5& & Fgdt5& & Fgdt5&^gdt5& >?@IJKab (]gh,-./Xqr8*6@IST^l·hM&ht5&CJaJ hoh+ht5&hoh8TB*phh7h+ ht5&5hZht5&5ht5&5CJ aJ h0nh+CJH-./qrT7{^gdt5& & Fgdt5& & Fgdo^gdo & Fgd8T^gd7 & Fgd7gd+ & Fgd+ ^gd+/$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQgdt5& "%67^j"%^"%)*9V^o Ⱦ h+0Jjh+0JUh\jjh\jUhoh+hUh+5CJ h+5CJ h+CJhM&ht5&CJht5&ht5&ht5&CJaJht5&CJaJhM&ht5&CJaJ:)*9Vo&$d%d&d'dNOPQgd+gd+2$$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQa$gd+ gd+#$%&gd+$a$gd+$a$gd+ !"#$%&hoh\jh+jh+0JUh+0JmHnHu,1h/ =!"#$% x666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666p62&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ h7mNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 4@4 0Y"Header  !4 @4 0Y"Footer  !.)@. z Page NumberPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y &-* IIUUUX> &  -& IPRX!" $' $'3..//00=C~?.  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