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Senate Vice President Andrew Resnick called the meeting to order at 3:10 P.M. Eulogies John A. C. Greppin (English) Professor Rachel Carnell delivered the Eulogy for the late Professor Emeritus John A. C. Greppin. Dr. Resnick asked for a moment of silence in memory of our colleague Professor John A. C. Greppin. Arthur R. Landever (Law) Professor Karin Mika delivered the Eulogy for the late Professor Emeritus Arthur R. Landever. Dr. Resnick asked for a moment of silence in memory of our colleague Professor Arthur R. Landever. Michael Williams (Social Work/Black Studies) Professor Cathleen Lewandowski delivered the Eulogy for the late Professor Michael R. Williams. Dr. Resnick asked for a moment of silence in memory of our colleague Professor Michael Williams. Approval of the Agenda for the Meeting of September 14, 2016 Senate Vice President Resnick asked for a motion to approve todays Agenda. It was moved and seconded and the Agenda was unanimously approved by voice vote. Approval of the Minutes of the Meetings of March 9, 2016, April 6, 2016, May 4, 2016 Senate Vice President Resnick stated that we have three sets of meeting Minutes for approval March 9, 2016, April 6, 2016, and May 4, 2016. He then asked for a motion to approve the Minutes. Senator Barbara Margolius moved and Senator Michael Kalafatis seconded the motion and the Minutes were approved unanimously by voice vote. Announcement of Coming Faculty-wide Election Academic Misconduct Review Committee Dr. Resnick announced the coming faculty-wide election for the Academic Misconduct Review Committee. One representative needs to be elected for a two-year term. Elections Senate Nominating Committee Election of Faculty Senate President and Faculty Senate Secretary Dr. Resnick reported that the candidate for Senate President is our current Senate President Nigamanth Sridhar (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) so he will accept a motion to accept Nigamanth Sridhars candidacy by acclamation. It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to accept Dr. Nigamanth Sridhar as the Senate President for a two-year term. Dr. Resnick next reported that the candidates for Faculty Senate Secretary are Professor Vickie Coleman Gallagher, College of Business Administration (Management) and Professor Nicholas Zingale, College of Urban Affairs. After balloting, Dr. Resnick announced that Professor Vickie Coleman Gallagher was elected to a two-year term as the Faculty Senate Secretary. University Faculty Affairs Committee Dr. Resnick then announced the election of one representative to the University Faculty Affairs Committee for a one-year term. The candidates: Anthony Berdis (Chemistry), Stephen Gingerich (World Languages), and Maureen Whitford (Health Sciences). Professor Stephen Gingerich was elected to a one-year term as a representative to the University Faculty Affairs Committee. Board Recognition Committee Dr. Resnick noted that the final election today is for one faculty representative to the Board of Trustees Recognition Committee for a two-year term. The candidates: Peter Poznanski (Accounting) and Christopher Wirth (Chemical & Biomedical Engineering). Professor Peter Poznanski was elected to a two-year term as a faculty representative to the Board Recognition Committee. Admissions and Standards Committee Professor James Marino, chair of the Admissions and Standards Committee, stated that he has three items for Senate today. Proposed changes to the Admissions Standards for the Masters in Occupational Therapy (MOT) Program (Report No. 1, 2016-2017) The proposed changes to the Admissions Standards for the MOT program were unanimously approved by voice vote. Proposed Academic Calendar for Academic Years 2018-19 to 2022-23 (Report No. 2, 2016-2017) Professor Resnick stated that there is a motion from the Admissions and Standards Committee to approve the proposed Academic Calendar for Academic years 2018-19 to 2022-23 and asked for a vote. The proposed Academic Calendar for Academic Years 2018-19 to 2022-23 was approved unanimously by voice vote. Changes to Admissions Standards related to the newest Version of the SAT (Information Item) (Report No. 3, 2016-2017) Dr. Marino asked if there were any questions. There were no questions. Ad Hoc Committee on General Education Update on GenEd (Report No. 4, 2016-2017) Senator Barbara Margolius, Chair of the GenEd Committee, reported that this General Education Ad Hoc Committee was formed by the Faculty Senate last year. The members are: Tachelle Banks, Teacher Education; Patricia Falk, College of Law; Michael Geither, English; Joanne Goodell in her capacity as the Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence; Jacqueline Jenkins, Engineering, Chair of UCC; Emily Rauschert, BGES; Marnie Rodriguez, Criminology, Anthropology, Sociology; Pamela Rutar, Nursing; Robert Shelton, History; Ann Marie Smeraldi, Library; Oya Tukel, Business; Winifred Weizer, Urban Affairs; Byron White, V.P. for University Engagement. Professor Margolius reported that last spring, the committee had a symposium with a number of speakers, some from here and some from other institutions about what their general education requirements look like and based on that, the committee at the end of spring developed a list of things that will be looked into this fall. At this point, Dr. Margolius stated that she would be happy to answer any questions. There were no questions. Update on Path to 2020 Program (Report No. 5, 2016-2017) Mr. Timothy Long, Associate Vice President, Finance and Budget, stated that his job is to give the Senate an update on the Path to 2020 project which he is sure most will recall that started just about a year ago formally. The Task Force that was formed most of last summer in October of 2015, the Task Force issued a report with about 22 recommendations. Basically, the theme was, we have to lower the costs of getting an undergraduate degree in Ohio public institutions. Everyone will probably see Mr. Long again and again in the future to give updates. Associate V.P. Long thanked everyone and said that he is happy to take any questions that people have. We discussed unanticipated capital needs like funding elevators in Rhodes Tower. Report of the President of the University President Berkman welcomed everyone back and commented that it was just like yesterday that we had our last Faculty Senate meeting so time marches on. President Berkman reported that he first wanted to bring everyone up to date on some changes that have occurred with the universitys Board of Trustees. President Berkman commented that many people know, and to their credit and many of their colleagues credit, in percentage terms, the hiring of 73 new faculty members at Cleveland State has to be the highest percentage of new hires anywhere in the State of Ohio. President Berkman noted an issue that now dominates the National dialogue and dominates the State dialogue about higher education and that is the cost of higher education. President Berkman turned to student debt. He stated that it is a credit to our students and that is that 㽶ֱ, if not this year, if not the highest percentage of Pell eligible students, certainly among the highest percentage of Pell eligible students, also has the second lowest average student debt of any university in Ohio. President Berkman commented that we see a little bit of construction still going on around campus. President Berkman reported that he assumed this year the chairmanship of the Inter University Consortium, which is the organization of all of the presidents of all of the universities, the senior colleges in Ohio, with that the vice presidents assume the responsibility for respective subcommittees of the IUC. Finally, President Berkman turned to the capital campaign. He noted that the goal is $100 million. The campaign now enters its third year beginning this year. We are at about $92 million as we sit today. Report of the Provost and Chief Academic Officer Provost Jianping Zhu welcomed everyone to a new semester that is off to a great start. He noted that he had a few items to share with everyone. First, he wanted to thank everyone for doing a great job in terms of placing textbook orders for this fall semester. Provost Zhu stated that his second item is on top of what President Berkman shared with everyone 73 new faculty have been added and we have also hired three new Deans last semester. Next, Provost Zhu reported that Dr. Marius Boboc has been appointed Vice Provost for Academic Planning. Dr. Zhu reported that the Business Dean search has started already. Finally, Dr. Zhu stated that the last item he wanted to share with Senate is a new initiative that actually has gotten underway but has not formally been announced. This is a campus-wide event led by Dr. Peter Meiksins. It is an effort coordinated by AASCU (American Association of State Colleges and Universities) student success and Starfish. Report of the Student Government Association (Report No. 6, 2016-2017) Student Government Association President Malek Khawam stated that he appreciated the opportunity to speak at Faculty Senate. He noted that SGA represents the needs, concerns and opinions of thousands of students and this is not something he takes lightly and he appreciates the responsibility. SGA President Khawam introduced his Executive Board: Mr. Tyler Wilson, Vice President, is a Political Science and International Relations major; Ms. Olga Grech, Secretary, is a Health Sciences pre-med major; Mr. Harinder Singh, Treasurer, is a Finance major. SGA President Khawam reported that during the rest of the year, they are in the process of polling undergraduates and ratifying SGAs Senators. He asked faculty to please suggest to their enthusiastic students and encourage them to apply both for positions in the administration and certainly university committees. SGA President Khawam reported that this year, SGA will follow up on course evaluations. Finally, SGA President Khawam asked everyone to please see Student Government as a friend and partner on campus. SGA is here to help everyone reach the students and vise-versa. He and other SGA officers are looking forward to working with everyone throughout the year. He thanked everyone for the opportunity to speak at Faculty Senate. Open Question Time There were no questions. New Business Senate Vice President Resnick asked if there was any new business. There being no new business, Senate Vice President Resnick asked for a motion to adjourn. It was moved and seconded and the meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Vickie Coleman Gallagher Faculty Senate Secretary /vel     PAGE  PAGE 6 FACULTY SENATE PAGE MEETING MINUTES SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 +,8>?@IJRY[lsu|    7 D E F Z e k m n q s }  миȰh[2hhiXhoh:Rh.th0|h_Ch hXThH hXT5 h 5 h5 h5 h:m15 h\\r5 hI5D,?@A Z  % & X `^``gd0| `^``gdiX^gdgD `^``gd[2^gd[2 `^``gdhu$a$gd     $ & - . L M d n    1 9 : ? 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