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Uniting to Share Campaign Cindy Skaruppa, Joseph Han Uniting to share campaign please contribute. Thank you for your generosity. IV. Report of the Faculty Senate President Nigamanth Sridhar Course evaluation system public release of data has been launched and all faculty have been notified. no aggregate data only semester by semester How to bring items to Senate specifically Curriculog a number of items sitting in the pipeline need ways of fixing issue of backlog open to suggestions and tips as to what would help get proposals into the system want this to be method of transparency Elevators in RT met with Provost and there is movement on campus to address V. University Curriculum Committee Jacqueline Jenkins Meetings are every two weeks Three voting items and other FYIs English B.A. Honors Creative Writing Concentration To create an Honors Creative Writing Curriculum proposal passed without any nos or abstentions Womens Studies B.A. Reduction to 30 credits for major Proposal to modify womens studies BA passed without any nos or abstentions. Tri-C/㽶ֱ 2+2 Agreements Seven agreements no questions and all in favor Sociology Studio Art Theatre Arts (acting) Theatre Arts (directing) 5. Black Studies 6. English (Creative Writing) 7. English (Literature) For Information Only No questions. 1. HUN 201 and 202 Intermediate Hungarian exception for 4 credit course 2. SPN 466 Silver and Gold new general education course WAC category VI. Admissions and Standards Committee James Marino One action item: New Admissions Standards in College of Education and Human Services for undergraduate and post-baccalaureate teacher licensure Set of methods for meeting admission requirements, getting rid of expiration data on ACT scores No questions; Passed, all in favor VII. University Faculty Affairs Committee Allyson Robichaud Minor Green Book Changes 344-11-02 Definitions of Faculty Language to reconcile with contract, titles and order All voted in favor Bob Krebs asked if they are recommended changes; yes all need approval from Board of Trustees 3344-16-08 Emeritus Faculty Friendly amendment to wording after Cleveland state university add full-time for ten years No questions; all voted in favor VIII. Curriculog Presentation Jennifer Stoneking Jennifer explained that updates show redline markups to evolving curriculum Showed how to access Senate gets email digest m/w/f for updates Faculty and staff have access with IDs full transparency Violet Lunder will point out items on Senate that will require a vote: review them before Senate My agenda is the tab to review click on the icon to the right that looks like a document icon (View Proposal) For programs, just focus on preview of curriculum; most of content is at the bottom For courses, view each by course number Please call if you have questions; house calls; open training sessions Nigamanth asked if any questions none. He explained that it is nice to look at changes over time. Has been using for some time. Allyson Robichaud get used to looking at it for meetings; When agenda is sent, the links will be in the agenda directly to the view page; that is really nice Can see which committees have viewed documents Robert Krebs asked about email alertsemail alerts are digests if you have a role that you need to address; action items will show up; users can set it up to limit emails Stephen Duffy asked if multiple committees get multiple notifications. Yes. Hover over bubbles to see what the status is; e.g., which step it is in. Only a chair or administrator can move it along. You can give opinions at any step. IX. Report of the President of the University Ronald Berkman Fundraiser event is this evening at 5-7; competition with the World Series. Going to Assoc. of Public and Land Grant universities in Austin, Texas. Are one of five finalists to receive national innovation award for student success. Great exposure for initiatives for student success. Recently received urban impact award from Council of Great City Schools (1800 at meeting in Miami). Here in Cleveland next year. Recently featured faculty who participated in International School; construction continues; new school in next year; existing building will become high school; Chester building is gone and new annex to college of engineering will be added there; engineering is fastest growing major; not a trend nationally; seeing more domestic students not international; credits to the faculty who worked on this Competency based learning trend no established structure; go to the Conn Academy website to see; theory is that there is a set of outcomes established by faculty; student reaches steps at their own pace; can take 5 to 16 weeks up to them; it disrupts the current paradigm; governor is vigorous about instituting this; has a contract with Western Governors Association who has been doing for a long time; we should try to do in-house rather than outsource to another institution. Trend to allow 3+1 with community colleges; Challenging set of legislative proposals we should be considering Asked to have Western Governors Association present this to Senate next year. Raises; faculty governance; items for Senate to understand and consider Wish to be ahead of the game. X. Report of the Provost and Chief Academic Officer Jianping Zhu RT status update: survey sent to 650 faculty and staff and 1200 students. Only 10% response; please contribute by completing survey. Asks if major renovation or other option are more attractive. Meeting yesterday to make a final move soon. Assumption is that we will continue to use RT 5-10 years not moving out; may move some of the upper floor classrooms to reduce traffic. Want the building to reflect well on 㽶ֱ. President added that it is a $3.5 million project. Not easy to come by these funds. All future projects will include a fund to handle deferred maintenance. XI. Report of the Student Government Association Malek Khawam Vike the Vote voter registration campaign registered over 100 students; 300 attended the informational event; debate watch party and not fists were thrown; walking as a group to Board of Elections Nov. 4 at 11 AM Had a retreat recently and 150 students volunteering with charity work. Baseline survey of what students were interested in three major concerns; some systemic: Diversity Tuition and costs of college Student services; library, parking Setting up a council on diversity send students his way for that committee Costs talking to other institutions and other presidents of student government Library house; students will man late hours themselves All senators are appointed to committees; let them know how they can help and use them; let him know if they are not coming Let them know if faculty want to speak; always first and third Friday at 3:00 PM of every month Nigamanth posted Faculty Senate website with committees and meeting times President Berkman added that SGA is very active Friday evening concert at Wolstein Center is JayZ Free Secretary Clinton will appear; all seats are given out; 7:00 PM; secure political event; candidate pays rental of arena, clean up, security, etc. It is revenue enhancing. XII. Open Question Time Beth Ekelman asked about state level conversations about regional accreditation; any discussion? President Berkman replied that competency based model by Western Governors is regionally accredited; XIII. New Business None. Nigamanth adjourned at 4:02 PM. 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