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Approval of the Agenda for the April 4, 2018 Meeting Approved Approval of Meeting Minutes Summary of March 7, 2018 Approved Report of the Faculty Senate President William Bowen Upcoming elections please fill out committee preference sheets Graduate students wish to come to Senate more Ad hoc Presidential priorities committee (Report No. 65, 2017-2018) Vickie Coleman Gallagher April 21 end of 2020 committee meetings every Friday Free Speech (Report No. 66, 2017-2018) Adam Sonstegard Chicago Statement from 2014 30 presidents committee on freedom of expression at U of Chicago FIRE has had an influence on universities adapting / adopting policies Considering operational plans, teaching moments for classrooms based on episodes Hope to have a statement in May Jeremey G some issues relate to demanding or firing of faculty if faculty disagree statement should protected also concern with financial influences on policy and content some groups have influenced hires in the past Faculty Senate Resolution on Starfish board behind it, have invested in it, it is successful at Georgia State University after implementation students were succeeding at a higher rate. Announcements of Coming Elections (See Attached) Please put forward names Report of the Student Government Association Aeisha Kangan (Report No. 67, 2017-2018) Academic experience, transferable skills, and longevity and tangible improvements. Document is on Org Sync website. Elections under way now Night for cultural fashion End of year fund report - April 20th final meeting and can get on the agenda April 21 in Columbus with other student groups April 27 celebration end of year with new officers Resolution in Support of Starfish Joanne Goodell (Report No. 68, 2017-2018) See attachment / PowerPoint Rationale, history of graduation rates at 㽶ֱ, benefits such as kudos, early warning, research, future developments, etc. Motion to pass Jennifer V Uses it regularly - but less comfortable with a resolution in regard to a software meaningful resolution if it were more about support for a certain technology specifically, versus Starfish Adam S - Friendly amendment to change to overall student success measures, not just technology Peter M intent is to indicate support for increased support for this proven successful tool Rationale is to as Senate, state we support it to hopefully encourage other faculty to use it All in favor to change the name to Student Success Technologies Concern Jeremy G that we are just trying to appease Joanne G attitude is common across other institutions their mindset is efficiency Provost ongoing efforts to showcase faculty and how hard they work trying to always share differences in our work schedule versus other jobs and how hard they are working Gary Dyer concern that it seems like we are continuing to respond to complaints about faculty Barbara M - Difficult tradeoffs between using software, takes time away from other student support Provost attendance may be an item we can solve through other mechanisms All in favor None opposed 5 abstained University Curriculum Committee Nolan Holland Applied Social Research, MA (Report No. 69, 2017-2018) Revision and updating of MA in Sociology All in favor Health Sciences, Accelerated 4+1 BS/MPH (Report No. 70, 2017-2018) All in favor Honors College Articulation Agreement Urban Studies (Report No. 71, 2017-2018) Honors college articulation where 5 masters programs in Urban have an eased manner of applying, if come from 㽶ֱ honors college All in favor Real Estate and Property Management Undergraduate Certificate (Report No. 72, 2017-2018) Undergraduate Professional Sales Certificate (Report No. 73, 2017-2018) Above 2 together All in favor Informational: (Report No. 74, 2017-2018) General Business Minor Management Major, B.B.A. Admissions and Standards Committee Gregory Lupton Proposed 3+3 Agreement between Cleveland Marshall College of Law and Hiram College (Report No. 75, 2017-2018) All in favor Law and Hiram College All in favor University Faculty Affairs Committee Stephen Gingerich Proposed Revision to SEI Policy (Report No. 76, 2017-2018) Desire to increase response rates Different formats, length of time of semester, class size, practicums great variation but only one tool to use SEI is only used in conjunction with other evaluations Go back to each college and these changes can help encourage colleagues to participate Policy clarifications faculty should be receiving a survey about issues of response rates 4 vs. 5 point questions How they are administered online vs. paper Mandatory to students Incentives if reach 90% - need to be rewards to all students not individualized Share reasons with students, set aside class time, leave the room, send email reminder, etc. See additions to document Questions: Incentives could cause peer pressure What is modest amount of credit? What is 90%? What about smaller can you reward? Steven have to assume faculty are being ethical. We cannot control if they are doing it already. Marius early grade release versus penalty. Michael K why add so much % to grade? Motion to eliminate bullet # 3 re: incentives or rewards (and replace with Mariuss comment to incentive versus penalize) Kevin G 3rd university electronic always results in a decline and bimodal results. No one in the middle. More important to the untenured. Have a responsibility to have common sense ways to increase response rates. Joanne it is an academic freedom issue, in favor of adding it since have never done. All in favor of removing 9 All against more voted to keep bullet #3 Most in favor 3 opposed to all changes X. Report of the President of the University Ronald Berkman Not present XI. Report of the Provost and Chief Academic Officer Jianping Zhu Work with ad hoc committee to move forward e.g., faculty fellow currently added faculty from social work to Civic Engagement Roland Look forward to working with you all to implement to some of the ideas 2 early career NSF grants in Engineering very prestigious Faculty Senate offices update space not adequate to conduct business Marius working with academic space committee and approved the plan next work with architects office Capital budget signed by governor - $15M for 2 years of renovations RT phase 2 of elevators MC phase 2 College of sciences teaching and research labs RT restrooms XII. Open Question Time Bob Krebs was happy one of the VPs was not going to be replaced, but now there is a new Sr. VP being hired Provost VP of student affairs, not being replaced, office will report to Provosts office now Assoc./assistant VP CIO will be hired Gary D seems sometimes titles are a bit altered and perhaps corruption VP of versus for Point well taken XIII. New Business None Respectfully submitted, Vickie Coleman Gallagher Faculty Senate Secretary VCG:vel ------------- ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING ELECTIONS Elections at the May 2, 2018 Senate Meeting Election of three faculty representatives to the University Faculty Affairs Committee for two-year terms to replace Chieh-Chen Bowen, Claire Robinson May* and Yan Xu* *Not eligible for re-election Election of three faculty representatives to the Diversity and Inclusion Committee (formerly Minority Affairs Committee) for two-year terms to replace Dana Hubbard, Jacqueline Vitali, Ye Zhu. All are eligible for re-election Election of three faculty representatives to the Budget and Finance Committee: two for two-year terms to replace Brian Ray* and Joel Lieske* and one for a one-year term to replace William Bowen who stepped down *Not eligible for re-election Election of one faculty advisor to the Board of Trustees for a one-year term to replace Mark Holtzblatt (eligible for re-election) Election of one faculty representative to the Board Recognition Committee for a three- year term to replace Peter Poznanski (eligible for re-election) Election of one faculty representative to the Academic Misconduct Review committee for a two-year term to replace Dana Hubbard (eligible for re-election) Election of one faculty representative to the Copyright Review Committee for a three- year term to replace John Jeziorowski (eligible for re-election) Election of one faculty representative to the Patent Review Committee for a three-year term to replace John Jeziorowski (eligible for re-election) Election of one Alternate faculty representative to the Ohio Faculty Council for a two- year term to replace Stephen Taysom (eligible for re-election)     PAGE  PAGE 6 FACULTY SENATE MEETING MINUTES SUMMARY APRIL 4, 2018 )*5<>ABCDEO   7 Z f    ( * 1 E ^ ̽|xphyhX8 5hh h3qGhyh3qG5hyhL5hyhg)5hyh:K5hyhY5hhUF5>* h^5>* hbhbhIhKvhb hb5>* hY5>* hg)5 hX8 5 hL5 hb5hhY5 h,5,*CDEQ \  8^8gd3qG & F^`gd>^gdKv^gdbgdb$a$gdw$a$gd%*$a$gd $a$gdg) ) * _ ` i j & j  & Fgd . & Fgd .^gd! h^`hgd! & FgdgdK gdI & F^`gd>8^8gd3qG & Fgd^ _ ` h j w & E O i _ ,0DR^_ƾƾﶲﶪ떒뾍}h!h]&5h!hy5 h!5hLhyhK 5h-h h .h!h!5h!h1QhK hyhL5hyh G5 hy5hyhsg5hyhy85hyh55hh hIhyh 51D_ W  & FgdYgdX8  & F^`gd]&gdgd]& & FgdgdL & F^`gdK gdK  ,. 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