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Enter all responses in the answer boxes provided. For Yes/No questions and those that are not applicable (N/A), check the box or insert an X to the right of the appropriate response. Guidance in responding to the questions is provided by resting the cursor over the highlighted word in each section or by reviewing the Comment box in the margin of each page (Word version). PROTOCOL SUBMISSION Submit the completed documents electronically as an email attachment along with other required forms (e.g., hazardous substances), to the IACUC Secretary at each institution at which any animal work will occur. Consult the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Secretary at your institution to determine institution specific submission requirements and processing procedures. Only word processed (minimum font size of 11 point) submissions will be accepted. The Investigator Assurance and Participant Qualifications pages must be included with the submission. Final approval cannot be granted until all signed signature pages are received. ANNUAL REVIEWS Animal use protocols must be renewed annually using the "Annual Review Request to Use Animals" form. Protocols continuing longer than three years must be resubmitted in their entirety using the complete Request to Use Animals form prior to the three year anniversary of the original protocol. Although submission timelines may vary by institution, continuing protocols must be submitted at a time sufficiently prior to the expiration date to allow adequate time for IACUC review. Animal work covered by protocols that are not approved by the IACUC prior to their expiration date will be suspended until a new protocol is approved. MODIFICATIONS Any proposed changes to the animal work described in an approved protocol must be reviewed and approved by the IACUC before they are initiated. Submit any proposed changes to the IACUC on the Modification Request to Use Animals form. GENERAL The information requested on the "Request to Use Animals" and related documents is needed to enable the IACUC to fulfill its regulatory requirement to review all research, teaching, and testing activities involving live vertebrate animals. Although the information provided will be treated confidentially by each of the IACUC's to the extent permitted by law, this document may be made available to the general public in response to Ohio Open Records Act requests filed with public institutions. Responses that are both professional and comprehensible to the layperson are encouraged. Feel free to contact the IACUC Secretary or other designated IACUC spokesperson at your institution for advice in completing the form. REQUEST TO USE ANIMALS 1. PROTOCOL SUMMARY 1. A. Protocol Title:  FORMTEXT       1. B. Principal Investigator's Institution:  FORMTEXT       1. C. Facility(ies) where animals will be housed: If animals will be housed in a facility not listed below, please identify the location under "OTHER LOCATION". 㽶ֱ  FORMCHECKBOX  University of Akron  FORMCHECKBOX  Summa Health System  FORMCHECKBOX  Kent State University Youngstown State University Cunningham  FORMCHECKBOX  Cushwa  FORMCHECKBOX  Kent  FORMCHECKBOX  DeBartolo  FORMCHECKBOX  Tuscawaras  FORMCHECKBOX  Ward Beecher  FORMCHECKBOX  NEOMED  FORMCHECKBOX  Other  FORMCHECKBOX  OTHER location (Institution, building & room OR geographic location for field studies):  FORMTEXT       1. D. Source of funding for the project: Internal  FORMCHECKBOX  external  FORMCHECKBOX  For external awards, identify the agency(ies) and award number(s).  FORMTEXT       1. E. Anticipated start date:  FORMTEXT       1. F. Expected animal use over the three year approval period: Summarize all animal use by species. SpeciesNumberSource FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       G. If this protocol is a continuation of a previously approved protocol, indicate the protocol number and provide a brief summary of the progress made to date. Your response is limited to the space provided. N/A: Previous protocol number:  Brief summary of progress/results:  1. H. Project overview. The response MUST be in lay terminology and understandable to a person with no scientific background. (1) Describe the medical condition, scientific question, or teaching value that is being addressed and its importance.  (2) List the goals of the project.  (3) Provide a chronological summary of the animal use from the beginning of the project through its end. A lay description of the experimental design can be used as the response IF it addresses the intent of the question. Do not provide detailed descriptions of the procedures here.  2. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURES INVOLVING LIVE ANIMALS Please review all parts of this section before answering because there are separate parts for specific types of animal use. Each part will expand to accommodate the response. Mark N/A for sections that do not apply. 2. A. Animal Identification: Indicate how animals will be identified. Multiple methods may be selected. cage card  FORMCHECKBOX  collar/tag  FORMCHECKBOX  ear punch/notch  FORMCHECKBOX  ear tag  FORMCHECKBOX  Indelible marker  FORMCHECKBOX  Microchip  FORMCHECKBOX  Tattoo  FORMCHECKBOX  other (describe below)  FORMCHECKBOX  Describe the identification procedure if it involves penetration of the skin.  2. B. Breeding: N/A: Describe the breeding scheme that will be used. Indicate weaning age of offspring.  2. C. Genotyping: N/A: Describe the method used to genotype the animals. Include the amount of tissue taken, age of animals, method of analgesia, and method of instrument sterilization.  2. D. Experimental manipulations: N/A: List and describe in detail all nonsurgical experimental manipulations carried out on live animals. Euthanasia is to be described in 2.F. The response must include a statement of the known or expected impact of each procedure on animal well-being.  2. E Surgical manipulations. N/A: 2.E.(1) Description of surgical procedures: Describe each surgical procedure under a separate heading. Procedures that are performed on the same animal at the same time may be described as one procedure. IF more than four different surgeries are planned, then similar ones may be combined into a single response. Surgical procedure #1: Is the surgical procedure a survival procedure? Yes: No: Describe the procedure in detail. Include the pre-operative preparation of the animal, a description of the aseptic technique and how instruments and implantable devices are sterilized. The response must include a statement of the known or expected impact of the procedure on animal well-being.  Surgical procedure #2: Is the surgical procedure a survival procedure? Yes: No: Description of procedure (instructions as above):  Surgical procedure #3: Is the surgical procedure a survival procedure? Yes: No: Description of procedure (instructions as above):  Surgical procedure #4: Is the surgical procedure a survival procedure? Yes: No: Description of procedure (instructions as above):  2.E.(2) Multiple major survival surgery: Does this project involve multiple major survival surgeries in the same animal?YES: NO: If so, provide a justification.  2. F. Anesthesia/Sedation. N/A: List the procedures that require anesthesia or sedation individually below and describe the anesthetic regimen used for each. If multiple procedures use the same anesthetic regimen, then they can be combined into one response. Anesthesia/sedation procedure #1: Identify the procedure requiring anesthesia or sedation. List all drugs (including neuromuscular blocking agents) used as part of the anesthetic/sedative regimen; include the dose, route of administration and indicate the frequency of repeat dosing. If animals will be anesthetized with inhalants, indicate the percentage of anesthetic gas, any auxiliary gases used, oxygen flow rate and ventilatory parameters (for mechanically ventilated animals).  Describe the procedures and equipment used to monitor the depth of anesthesia and animal well-being. If neuromuscular blocking agents are used, include techniques that are reliable in paralyzed animals.  Describe the supportive measures to assure animal well-being while under anesthesia.  Anesthesia/sedation procedure #2: Identify the procedure requiring anesthesia/sedation and describe the anesthetic regimen as indicated above.  Procedures and equipment used to monitor the depth of anesthesia and animal well-being:  Supportive measures:  Anesthesia/sedation procedure #3: Identify the procedure requiring anesthesia/sedation and describe the anesthetic regimen as indicated above.  Procedures and equipment used to monitor the depth of anesthesia and animal well-being:  Supportive measures:  Anesthesia/sedation procedure #4: Identify the procedure requiring anesthesia/sedation and describe the anesthetic regimen as indicated above.  Procedures and equipment used to monitor the depth of anesthesia and animal well-being:  Supportive measures:  2. G. Building(s) and room number(s) where the procedures will take place: Nonsurgical Procedures:  Surgical Procedures:  2. H. Postprocedural care and monitoring: 1) Describe the post-procedural care and monitoring for both surgical (after recovery from anesthesia) and nonsurgical procedures. Identify the parameters being monitored and the frequency and duration of monitoring for each study related procedure. Include how records of the care will be maintained and their location.  2) Identify by title who will conduct the care and monitoring.  3) List any analgesics or other medically related pharmaceutical agents that animals may receive. Include a) dose, b) route of administration c) frequency of administration, and d) duration of therapy.  4) List the criteria that will be used to determine that relief from pain or distress is needed and how the adequacy of that relief will be assessed.  5) List the humane endpoints that will be used to euthanize an animal or otherwise remove an animal from a study.  2. I. Disposition of animals: Describe the method of euthanasia including the name, dose, and route of administration of any pharmaceutical agents used. Describe the method(s) that will be used to confirm death. Animals euthanized by an overdose of carbon dioxide must undergo a secondary method of euthanasia to confirm death. If animals will not be euthanized, describe their disposition.  2.J. Chemical/compound administration to live animals Are all of the chemicals (e.g., test compounds, receptor agonists/antagonists, labeling compounds, anesthetics, analgesics, euthanasia agents, etc.) administered to live animals commercially available pharmaceutical preparations intended for animal or human use? Yes: No: If not, then complete the following for each product. Identify the chemical/compound and describe how it is prepared and stored to assure appropriate purity, sterility and suitability for administration to animals. Indicate the shelf life of the prepared product.  Are all of the chemicals/compounds listed above pharmaceutical grade? Yes: No: If not, then list them and provide a justification for not using a pharmaceutical grade preparation.  SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Mark N/A for sections that do not apply. 3.A. Food/ fluid restriction: N/A: If the study involves scheduling access to food or fluid OR restricting food or fluid intake beyond that associated with a routine overnight pre-procedural fast or weight control, then describe a) the amount and time of the restriction, b) expected impact on animal well-being, and c) criteria for removal of the restriction.  Describe the record-keeping associated with ongoing restrictions. Indicate where the records will be maintained. At a minimum animal weights must be documented once weekly and food/water consumption noted daily.  3. B. Prolonged restraint: N/A: If the project involves more than routine restraint of conscious animals for brief periods, then describe: a) the restraint, b) its duration and frequency, c) how animals will be conditioned to it, and d) how frequently animals will be observed while restrained.  Provide a justification for the restraint.  3. C. Immunologic adjuvants: N/A: If the project involves the use of immunologic adjuvants (e.g., Freund's adjuvant, RIBI adjuvant) complete the following. First InjectionSecond InjectionSubsequent InjectionsAdjuvantAnatomic site of injection & routeNumber of sitesVolume per siteTime interval between injections 3. D. Dog exercise: N/A: X If the project involves the use of dogs, indicate if any animals will be exempted from the dog exercise program and include the duration of the exemption and a justification for it. If there are no exemptions, enter no exemptions.  3. E. Environmental enrichment for primates: N/A: X If the project involves the use of nonhuman primates, indicate if any animals will be exempted from the environmental enrichment program for primates and include the duration of the exemption and a justification for it. If there are no exemptions, enter no exemptions.  3. F. Housing or enrichment restrictions: N/A: If the project involves the single housing of animals of a social species OR exemption from normal environmental enrichment, then describe and provide a justification for the restriction.  3. G. Hazardous material use: N/A: If the project involves the administration of any potentially hazardous materials to live animals, complete the following for each material and attach the appropriate hazardous material form(s) required by the institution at which the work will take place. Name of hazardous agent(s):  Select the appropriate classification of hazard(s) Carcinogen  FORMCHECKBOX  Infectious agent  FORMCHECKBOX  radioactive isotope  FORMCHECKBOX  Recombinant nucleic acid  FORMCHECKBOX  Toxin  FORMCHECKBOX  Human tissue/cells  FORMCHECKBOX  Other  FORMCHECKBOX  Describe the potential health effects of the hazard and list the possible routes of exposure hazard:  Number of animals receiving material:  3. H. Genetically modified animals: N/A: If the project involves the use, breeding, or creation of genetically modified animals, complete the following for each genotype. List the animals by genotype and describe the known or expected impact of the associated phenotype on animal well-being:  Describe the measures to relieve or manage pain or distress related to each phenotype that is associated with an adverse impact on animal well-being:  Will any new genetically modified animals be created in the project? Yes: No: If so, describe the monitoring associated with the new line to assure adequate provision of humane animal care. Previously undescribed phenotypic conditions that negatively impact animal well-being must be reported to the IACUC:  3.I. Animal housing outside of main animal facility: N/A: If animals will be maintained outside of the main animal facility longer than 12 hours for USDA covered species or longer than 24 hours for all others, then complete the following. Identify the building, room number, species, and number of animals to be housed. Indicate the duration of housing.  Provide a justification for the extramural housing.  Has the IACUC previously approved the location? YES: NO: 3.J. Field studies: N/A: If the project involves the use of animals in a field setting, complete the following. Identify the occupational health and safety issues associated with studying the species in the wild.  Describe the potential impact of the study on native populations of the species being studied and others that may be affected by the study.  List and attach the permits and other necessary permission documents that are needed to carry out the study.  3.K. Procedures performed at a supplier location: N/A: If animals will undergo experimental or surgical procedures at a suppliers location, complete the following and attach a statement from the supplier confirming IACUC approval of the procedure. Identify the procedure and suppliers Public Health Service Animal Welfare Assurance number and USDA registration number (as applicable).  4. CLASSIFICATION OF PROCEDURES ACCORDING TO LEVEL OF PAIN AND/OR DISTRESS Mark the appropriate category for each animal procedure and identify the procedure(s) in the spaces provided. List the number of animals in each pain category in the box provided. If individual animals will undergo procedures in multiple pain categories, then include them in the tabulation for the highest pain category.  FORMCHECKBOX  - Category C - Procedures that involve no more than momentary or slight pain or distress. List procedures:  FORMTEXT       Number of animals in category C:  FORMTEXT         FORMCHECKBOX  - Category D - Procedures that may cause more than momentary or slight pain or distress for which appropriate analgesia, anesthesia or tranquilization is provided. List procedures:  FORMTEXT       Number of animals in category D:  FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX  - Category E - Procedures that may cause pain or distress which are not relieved by analgesia, anesthesia, or tranquilization. List procedures:  FORMTEXT       Number of animals in category E:  FORMTEXT       For Category E procedures: Provide a detailed scientific justification for withholding analgesia, anesthesia, and tranquilization.  5. ALTERNATIVES TO THE USE OF ANIMALS AND PAIN OR DISTRESS PRODUCING PROCEDURES Provide a written narrative description of the methods and sources that were used to determine that suitable alternatives to the use of animals and to the pain or distress producing procedures described in the protocol are not available. Provide an explanation for alternatives that were identified but deemed unsuitable. Literature searches must include a) databases searched, b) the date of the search, c) the years covered by the search (minimum 10 years), and d) the search strategy including keywords used. At least two acceptable information sources must be used. The response must address the three Rs: Replacement models, Refinements in technique, and Reduction in animal numbers. Information sources that are commonly used include HYPERLINK "http://www.pubmed.gov"http://www.pubmed.gov, HYPERLINK "http://agricola.nal.usda.gov"http://agricola.nal.usda.gov, HYPERLINK "http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic"http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic, and specifically for teaching activities, HYPERLINK "http://oslovet.veths.no"http://oslovet.veths.no.  6. JUSTIFICATION FOR THE USE OF ANIMALS 6. A. Provide a rationale for involving animals.  6. B. What is the basis for selecting the species that you have chosen?  6. C. Number of animals requested: Provide a justification for the number of animals requested. Identify the species, genotypes, strains, and/or stocks of animals. Include other descriptors as relevant (e.g., age or weight, gender, timed pregnant). For research protocols, list the experimental and control groups and indicate the number of animals in each. Include the statistical justification, or other basis, for selecting the number requested. If a research protocol includes the use of animals solely for training (i.e., the training does not occur as part of the experimental use of animals), then include the expected number of animals to be used for training. Animals used for training can be justified by documenting the expected number of persons to be trained and the number that can be trained per animal.  6. D. Provide written assurance that the use of animals described in this protocol does not unnecessarily duplicate previous experiments.  7. HOUSING AND HUSBANDRY  7. A. Indicate the approximate number of animals to be housed at one time and approximate duration of housing.  7. B. If rodents are to be housed, is there a preference as to the type of caging (i.e., plastic, wire-bottom, microisolator or other) OR the number of animals per cage? YES: NO: If yes, please specify. Note that the use of wire-bottom cages or single housing of animals requires a justification.  7. C. Will a light cycle other than the standard 12 hours light/12 hours dark be necessary for any of the animals on this protocol? YES: NO: If yes, please specify the light cycle(s) and indicate the group(s) of animals that will require it.  7. D. Will the animals on this protocol have any special temperature or humidity requirements? YES: NO: If yes, please describe.  7. E. Will the animals on this protocol require a special diet or special water? YES: NO: If yes, please identify the product, the number of animals receiving it, and who will prepare and administer it.  7. F. Will the animals on this protocol require any other special housing, care, environmental conditions, or other considerations? YES: NO: If yes, please describe.  7. G. Will it be necessary to house animals after they have received any hazardous materials (refer to Part 3.G.)? YES: NO: If yes, please identify the material, the number of animals, and the duration of housing. Describe how the housing cages and room will be identified to alert personnel that a hazard is present.  8. PROTOCOL APPROVAL Protocol approval is indicated by the signatures of the institution-specific individuals identified below. The individuals signing confirm that they have reviewed the protocol and find it to be in compliance with applicable animal care and use regulations and institutional policies. Approval Signatures: ____________________________________ Date ________________ Environmental Health and Safety Representative _____________________________________ Date ________________ Attending Veterinarian _____________________________________ Date ________________ IACUC Chairperson INVESTIGATOR ASSURANCE By signing below I/we agree to: SEQ 2_0 \* ALPHABETIC \r 1A. Employ procedures that will avoid or minimize discomfort, distress, and pain to animals, consistent with sound research design. SEQ 2_0 \* ALPHABETIC \nB. Comply with the protocol as approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and to obtain the consent of the IACUC before implementing any changes to the protocol. SEQ 2_0 \* ALPHABETIC \nC. Comply with the policies of the IACUC of the institution at which this work is conducted, the National Research Council Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the regulations of the Animal Welfare Act and other applicable federal, state and local regulations governing the use of animals in research, teaching, and testing. SEQ 2_0 \* ALPHABETIC \nD. Maintain adequate records of all animal experimentation procedures. SEQ 2_0 \* ALPHABETIC \nE. The provision of emergency veterinary care including euthanasia by the attending veterinarian or his/her designee for animals showing evidence of unbearable pain, distress, or illness with the understanding that an effort will be made to contact me or my designee prior to the initiation of any treatment. Principal Investigator: Name:  FORMTEXT       Department:  FORMTEXT       Email address:  FORMTEXT       Telephone number:  FORMTEXT       Signature ________________________________ Date: ______________________ PARTICIPANT QUALIFICATIONS Complete this form for the principal investigator, each co-investigator, and each of the individuals who may participate in the animal work described in the protocol. By signing below the participant acknowledges that he/she has read the protocol and agrees to comply with it. NAME:  FORMTEXT       TITLE:  FORMTEXT       List the participant s responsibilities on the protocol.  FORMTEXT       Describe the participant s experience and/or qualifications relevant to the responsibilities on the protocol. If the participant has no relevant experience then check here  FORMCHECKBOX  and identify below who will be responsible for training. EXPERIENCE/QUALIFICATIONS:  FORMTEXT       DESCRIPTION OF FORMAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE TRAINING: TITLE OR DESCRIPTION OF TRAININGLOCATIONDATE OF TRAINING FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       ____________________________________ _________________ PARTICIPANT SIGNATURE DATE PARTICIPANT QUALIFICATIONS Complete this form for the principal investigator, each co-investigator, and each of the individuals who may participate in the animal work described in the protocol. By signing below the participant acknowledges that he/she has read the protocol and agrees to comply with it. NAME:  FORMTEXT       TITLE:  FORMTEXT       List the participant s responsibilities on the protocol.  FORMTEXT       Describe the participant s experience and/or qualifications relevant to the responsibilities on the protocol. If the participant has no relevant experience then check here  FORMCHECKBOX  and identify below who will be responsible for training. EXPERIENCE/QUALIFICATIONS:  FORMTEXT       DESCRIPTION OF FORMAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE TRAINING: TITLE OR DESCRIPTION OF TRAININGLOCATIONDATE OF TRAINING FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       ____________________________________ _________________ PARTICIPANT SIGNATURE DATE PARTICIPANT QUALIFICATIONS Complete this form for the principal investigator, each co-investigator, and each of the individuals who may participate in the animal work described in the protocol. By signing below the participant acknowledges that he/she has read the protocol and agrees to comply with it. NAME:  FORMTEXT       TITLE:  FORMTEXT       List the participant s responsibilities on the protocol.  FORMTEXT       Describe the participant s experience and/or qualifications relevant to the responsibilities on the protocol. If the participant has no relevant experience then check here  FORMCHECKBOX  and identify below who will be responsible for training. EXPERIENCE/QUALIFICATIONS:  FORMTEXT       DESCRIPTION OF FORMAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE TRAINING: TITLE OR DESCRIPTION OF TRAININGLOCATIONDATE OF TRAINING FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       ____________________________________ _________________ PARTICIPANT SIGNATURE DATE PARTICIPANT QUALIFICATIONS Complete this form for the principal investigator, each co-investigator, and each of the individuals who may participate in the animal work described in the protocol. By signing below the participant acknowledges that he/she has read the protocol and agrees to comply with it. NAME:  FORMTEXT       TITLE:  FORMTEXT       List the participant s responsibilities on the protocol.  FORMTEXT       Describe the participant s experience and/or qualifications relevant to the responsibilities on the protocol. If the participant has no relevant experience then check here  FORMCHECKBOX  and identify below who will be responsible for training. EXPERIENCE/QUALIFICATIONS:  FORMTEXT       DESCRIPTION OF FORMAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE TRAINING: TITLE OR DESCRIPTION OF TRAININGLOCATIONDATE OF TRAINING FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       ____________________________________ _________________ PARTICIPANT SIGNATURE DATE PARTICIPANT QUALIFICATIONS Complete this form for the principal investigator, each co-investigator, and each of the individuals who may participate in the animal work described in the protocol. By signing below the participant acknowledges that he/she has read the protocol and agrees to comply with it. NAME:  FORMTEXT       TITLE:  FORMTEXT       List the participant s responsibilities on the protocol.  FORMTEXT       Describe the participant s experience and/or qualifications relevant to the responsibilities on the protocol. If the participant has no relevant experience then check here  FORMCHECKBOX  and identify below who will be responsible for training. EXPERIENCE/QUALIFICATIONS:  FORMTEXT       DESCRIPTION OF FORMAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE TRAINING: TITLE OR DESCRIPTION OF TRAININGLOCATIONDATE OF TRAINING FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       ____________________________________ _________________ PARTICIPANT SIGNATURE DATE PARTICIPANT QUALIFICATIONS Complete this form for the principal investigator, each co-investigator, and each of the individuals who may participate in the animal work described in the protocol. By signing below the participant acknowledges that he/she has read the protocol and agrees to comply with it. NAME:  FORMTEXT       TITLE:  FORMTEXT       List the participant s responsibilities on the protocol.  FORMTEXT       Describe the participant s experience and/or qualifications relevant to the responsibilities on the protocol. If the participant has no relevant experience then check here  FORMCHECKBOX  and identify below who will be responsible for training. EXPERIENCE/QUALIFICATIONS:  FORMTEXT       DESCRIPTION OF FORMAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE TRAINING: TITLE OR DESCRIPTION OF TRAININGLOCATIONDATE OF TRAINING FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       ____________________________________ _________________ PARTICIPANT SIGNATURE DATE     Consortial protocol 0114.doc Version 01/14 For IACUC Use Only Category: Special Considerations: Protocol #: Consortial protocol 0114.doc Version 01/14  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 Consortial protocol 0114.doc Version 01/14 1.C. Place an X for each facility where animals will be housed. The locations identified are the MAIN animal facilities in each of the buildings listed. Animals that are housed in investigator laboratories or other areas outside of the main animal facilities are to be listed under OTHER. If OTHER is checked and the location is NOT a field study, then complete Section 3.I. The location must be inspected and approved by the IACUC prior to the housing of animals. Animals that are transferred from one facility to another should be considered to be housed at each facility in which they remain for longer than twelve hours. Other location. If animals will be used in their natural habitat (i.e., a field study), indicate the location. For example, identify the city/state/country/nature preserve or other location. 1.D. If more than one agency is funding the project, then list each one. 1.E. Enter the date that the animal work is expected to begin. Select a date that is sufficiently after the date of submission to allow for IACUC review. 1.F. This is the number that will be used by the IACUC as the basis for determining how many animals can be ordered on the protocol (i.e., animals ordered or bred for the project will be deducted from the total provided here). The number provided should be the total number of animals to be used over the three year approval period of the protocol. If the number described is for only one year, then requests for additional animals will have to be justified each subsequent year. Depending upon the nature of the work, it may be necessary to include animals for pilot work, training, breeding, attrition, etc. Justification for the number requested and details of the animal models are to be provided in Section 6.C. 1.H.(1) For example, the importance of the medical condition can be explained in terms of the disease frequency/incidence or its impact on patient (human or other animal) welfare. The importance of a scientific question could be explained by its contribution to a particular body of scientific knowledge or how it relates to a medical condition. The teaching value can be addressed by describing why an animal model provides a unique learning experience that is not available through other non-animal means. 1.H.(2) For teaching protocols, the goals can be addressed by describing the learning objectives of the activity. Breeding scheme For example: pair, trio, or harem breeding; temporary or permanent cohabitation. Manipulations. Examples of nonsurgical experimental manipulations include, but are not limited to, behavioral testing; blood collection; brain microdialysis; administration of experimental compounds; blood pressure and ECG measurement; food or water deprivation or restriction; induction of infectious disease; pain sensitivity testing; seizure induction; test or hazardous substance administration; training/learning exercises; treadmill, maze, or wheel running; tumor cell injection and tumor growth evaluation; vaginal lavage for estrous cycle determination; and ultrasound and Doppler flow evaluations. The characteristics of the manipulations must be included in the response so the IACUC members may assess the potential impact on the animals. For example, a description of electroshock procedures should include the amperage, maximum duration of shock, and whether or not the shock is escapable. Doses, routes of administration, frequency of administration, and expected effect on animal well being should be provided for all test and/or hazardous substances administered to animals. Drugs administered for medical reasons are to be described in Part 2.E.3). The IACUC is charged with reviewing activities that involve living animals through the euthanasia procedure. Details of post mortem tissue processing should be included only as needed to justify the animal use and numbers requested. A survival surgical procedure is one from which the animal recovers from anesthesia even if only for a brief time. Survival surgery must be done using aseptic technique. Surgery on nonrodent species must be performed in a dedicated surgical suite. Surgery on rodents may be conducted in a suitable area of an animal use laboratory, with IACUC approval, so long as the area is dedicated to that purpose during the course of the surgery. Detail. The response must include a description of the anatomic site of the surgery, the procedure, and the wound closure technique. Indicate when skin sutures or staples will be removed. Implantable devices must be described in terms of size, shape, and method of sterilization. The duration of time that they are implanted and the removal of them (if it occurs antemortem) must be included. Pre-operative preparation. For example: fasting, shaving and clipping hair, aseptic preparation of the skin, catheter placement. Multiple major survival surgeries: If more than one major SURVIVAL surgery is performed on the same animal at different times (i.e., the procedures are NOT performed at the same time) then mark yes and provide a scientific justification for the multiple major survival surgeries. A major surgical procedure is one that penetrates and exposes a body csvity, produces substantial impairment of physical or physiologic function, or involves extensive tissue dissection or transection. E.g, laparotomy, thoracotomy, joint replacement, limb amputation, nerve ligation, brain cannulation, brain microinjection. A minor surgical procedure is one that does not expose a body cavity and causes little or no physical impairment. E.g., wound suturing, peripheral vessel cannulation, simple osmotic pump implantation, percutaneous biopsy and most procedures that would be done on an outpatient basis in veterinary clinical practice. Ventilatory parameters. For example: tidal volume, respiratory rate, peak inspiratory pressure or volume. Monitoring procedures. Examples of monitoring techniques include evaluation of tissue color, response to noxious stimuli (toe or tail pinch, compression of the coronary band), heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, end tidal carbon dioxide, and blood gas measurements. Techniques. Since neuromuscular blocking (NMB) agents prevent skeletal muscle movement, the animals response to a noxious stimulus (e.g., toe pinch) is an unreliable indicator of the depth of anesthesia. Blood pressure and heart rate (these parameters may increase in response to pain) can be used to monitor the depth of anesthesia for animals under the influence of NMB agents. Alternatively, one can use a short acting NMB and evaluate the depth of anesthesia conventionally when the effect of the NMB is absent. In the latter case, it is essential to confirm the depth of anesthesia just prior to administration of the NMB agent and if necessary, administer supplemental doses of the anesthetic agent at that time. Supportive measures. For example: heating pad or lamp, supplemental fluid therapy. 2.D.Indicate the building and room number where nonsurgical and surgical procedures will take place. Include the location of the euthanasia procedure in the Nonsurgical Procedure section. If animal work will take place at more than one institution, then include the name of the institution. Post-procedural care and monitoring refers to the time period after a specific study related procedure whether anesthesia was involved or not. It does not include monitoring associated with anesthesia or recovery from it. That information belongs in Section 2.C. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  Types of care may include gavaging with food, use of long sipper tubes to facilitate drinking, placing food on the cage floor to facilitate access to food, feeding a food slurry, and other supportive measures. Specific examples of responses include "Animals will be examined twice daily to assess appetite, behavior, pain, and the integrity of the surgery site for five days after the surgery", OR Animals will be examined for overall condition and injected with antibiotics daily for two weeks after the initiation of the infection, OR Animals will be assessed daily for food intake and weighed weekly; food will be placed on the cage floor and long sipper tubes will be used to facilitate access to food and water for the duration of the study. Records. Records may be maintained on the animals cage cards or charts. Title. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  Examples of titles include graduate student, research technician, co-investigator, and principal investigator. Medically related pharmaceutical agents refers to drugs given to provide veterinary medical care to animals and NOT compounds that are part of an experimental study. Examples include antibiotics, analgesics, and supportive fluids (e.g., saline, lactated Ringers). The response must include the dose, route & frequency of administration, and duration of therapy. Regarding ANALGESIA: In general unless the contrary is known or established it should be assumed that procedures that cause pain in humans also cause pain in animals and analgesia should be provided unless a scientific justification for withholding it is provided in Section 4. Sample answers include, "Buprenorphine will be given at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg by intramuscular injection once at the end of the surgery followed by two more injections at twelve hour intervals and then every 12 hours as needed for lameness" OR animals will receive 500 mg of tetracycline dissolved in 8 ounces of drinking water for 3 days post-operatively. 2.E.4) PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  When procedures that cause pain in humans are performed in animals, analgesia should routinely be given for a prescribed period of time unless it has been established that analgesia is not necessary for the procedure in animals OR a scientific justification for withholding it is provided in the response to Section 4 (Category E procedures). Describe the criteria that will be used to determine that analgesics or other pain/distress management techniques should be continued after the routine period of administration. Describe how the adequacy of the therapy will be determined. Signs of pain include pain upon palpation of the affected area of the body, anorexia and depression related to discomfort, guarding of an area of the body, vocalization, lameness, unkempt hair coat, reluctance to move, aggression or other signs specific to the manipulations being performed. The adequacy of analgesia is determined by the relief of the signs. Humane endpoints for determining that an animal should be euthanized or removed from a study include weight loss of 20% compared to pre-procedural weight or compared to age-matched control animals, tumor growth that exceeds 10% of body weight, tumor ulceration, debilitation due to tumor growth, pain or distress that cannot be relieved, infection or other disease not responsive to treatment, extensive surgical wound dehiscence, autophagy and other signs specific to the manipulations performed. If death is chosen as an endpoint, then it is to be classified as a Category E procedure in Section 4 and a scientific justification provided. 2.F. Methods of euthanasia must be consistent with the current AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia. Examples of euthanasia techniques that do not require scientific justification include anesthetic overdoses by injection (e.g., barbiturates), or inhalation (e.g., isoflurane or carbon dioxide) and physical means of euthanasia when performed under anesthesia. Cervical dislocation and decapitation of some species of rodents and small birds may be considered category "C" if they are scientifically justified and performed by properly trained or experienced personnel who have demonstrated competence with the technique. If animals will not be euthanized at the end of the experiment, then indicate what will be done with them. Animals may be transferred from one protocol to another at the completion of a study within certain limitations. Under ordinary circumstances, animals that have been subjected to a painful or distressful procedure can be transferred only to a protocol in which they will be euthanized in an acute procedure with no pain or distress producing manipulation prior to anesthesia. Secondary method. Depending upon the species, measures such as decapitation, cervical dislocation or thoracotomy may be used. Pharmaceutical grade . Provide a response for any non-pharmaceutical grade products or compounds that are listed in Section 2. If a pharmaceutical grade product is available and it is not used, then a scientific justification must be provided for using the non-pharmaceutical grade product. According to the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, A pharmaceutical grade compound is a drug, biologic, or reagent that is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or for which a chemical purity standard has been established by the United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary (USP-NF) or British Pharmacopeia (BP). According to guidance from theFDA, pharmaceutical secondary standards are acceptable for use in clinical animal studies if obtained from a reputable source and comply with compendia standards." Routine restraint is considered to be that used to restrain an animal briefly for blood or other sample collection, substance administration, or examination. Examples include manual restraint and the use of conventional rodent (e.g., tube type) or rabbit restrainers for periods of approximately ten minutes or less. Conditioning is not normally required for routine restraint. 3.C. Complete the table as indicated. Injection sites must be shaved and disinfected prior to the administration of the adjuvant. 3.D. The United States Department of Agriculture requires that dogs be given an opportunity for exercise on a regular basis. Facilities that house dogs have a policy for the provision of exercise. Copies of these policies are available for your review from the IACUC Coordinator. A typical reason for exclusion from the exercise program is temporary or permanent exercise restriction after a surgical procedure. 3.E. The United States Department of Agriculture requires that nonhuman primates be provided with environmental enrichment and opportunities for species specific behavior on a regular basis. Facilities that house nonhuman primates have policies for the provision of these activities. Copies of these policies are available for your review from the IACUC Coordinator. A typical reason for exclusion from this policy is temporary or permanent restriction related to a surgical procedure. Environmental Enrichment. The environmental enrichment programs vary by facility. Typical enrichment involves the provision of manipulanda in the cage to provide animals with sensory and motor stimulation through structures and resources that facilitate the expression of species-typical behaviors and promote psychological well-being. Contact the animal facility manager or supervisor to determine the specifics of the program used at your facility. Hazardous material form. A separate hazardous material form is required for each class of hazard. Carcinogen. Carcinogens are identified in the current edition of the Report on Carcinogens distributed by the Public Health Service National Toxicology Program or as indicated on MSDS sheets. Recombinant nucleic acid. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  Protocols involving recombinant DNA, or DNA or RNA molecules derived therefrom, involving whole animals, including transgenic or knockout animals must be reviewed by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) for the appropriate registration and safety action. The purchase or transfer of genetically engineered animals is exempt from the NIH guidelines for recombinant DNA research, however experiments with such animals, the production of them, and the cross-breeding of them to other genetically engineered animals or to normal animals are not necessarily exempt from review. Toxin. Generally, toxic compounds are defined as those with an LD50 of less than or equal to 50 mg/kg. Other. If a substance constitutes an unknown hazard or the classification is not listed, then check other and attach available information including an MSDS sheet if applicable. 3.G. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  A genetically modified animal is one in which non-native DNA sequences have been transferred into its genome either randomly (classical transgenic) or in a targeted fashion (knockout). The details of transgenic/knockout animal production are to be supplied in Part 2.A. and/or 2.B. Phenotype. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  If the genetically modified animals phenotype is one that may cause pain or distress to the animal, then describe the measures that will be used to manage the pain or distress. If there is no pain or distress associated with the phenotype, then so indicate. Note that the creation of animals displaying phenotypes that have an adverse impact on animal welfare and that are not described here must be reported to the IACUC Created. The question applies to the creation of new GMAs whether produced in-house or by an extramural service provider. USDA covered species are warm-blooded vertebrates other than laboratory bred: mice of the genus Mus, rats of the genus Rattus, and birds. 4. Category C. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  Examples of category C procedures, include routine injections or peripheral vein blood collection, nonstressful behavioral manipulations or observations, escapable shock paradigms (mild levels of shock), food restrictions in which weight loss is limited to 85% of free choice feeding weight, euthanasia via overdoses of anesthesia, and breeding. 4. Category D. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  Examples of category D procedures include surgery (survival or nonsurvival) performed under anesthesia; laparoscopic surgery performed under anesthesia; retroorbital blood collection performed under anesthesia; exsanguination performed under anesthesia; and any other pain or distress producing procedure for which appropriate analgesia or anesthesia is administered. 4. Category E. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  Examples of category E procedures include, inescapable electrical shock paradigms, death-as-endpoint studies, unlimited tumor growth or infectious disease studies in which no analgesics or other control methods are used, unrelieved post-operative pain, and any other procedure in which pain or distress is not relieved. For category E procedures, it is necessary to provide a detailed scientific justification for why analgesics, tranquilizers, or anesthetics cannot be given. 5.  Each of the three types of alternatives MUST be considered in the search for alternatives. Alternatives are broadly defined to include REPLACEMENT models (i.e., computer models, tissue culture), methods designed to REFINE procedures to minimize animal pain or distress (e.g., better anesthetic agents, less invasive techniques), and methods to REDUCE animal numbers (e.g., combining experimental and control conditions in the same animal, using more sensitive tests to reduce statistical variability). If alternatives are identified, but deemed unsuitable, then include an explanation of why they are not used. Although a literature search is considered to be the best way to confirm that alternatives do not exist or are unsuitable, other methods can be used in some circumstances (e.g., highly specialized fields of study). In such cases it is necessary to describe the method/source in the response. For example, consultation with a subject matter expert should include the consultant's name, description of credentials, and date and content of the consultation. Databases.PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  The databases selected should be relevant to the type of animal use. I.e., A search for alternatives for teaching uses of animals should be conducted using education-oriented databases. 6.A. Animals. For example, the explanation will include a reference to the need for whole animal responses (e.g., behavioral evaluations), multi-body system responses (e.g., development of diabetes mellitus), an intact immune system (e.g., infectious disease protocols), an intact inflammatory response (e.g., vascular graft protocols), or other features specific to the project. Note that teaching protocols should clearly indicate the justification for using live animals. A description of the unique features of the living animal model and the teaching value of the living organism should be included in the response. 6.B. Basis. For example, the response may refer to the anatomic, physiologic or pathophysiologic features of the species that make it suitable for the research. Number.  In all cases the total number requested should agree with the number given in the response in section 1.F. If the number described is for only one year, then requests for additional animals will have to be justified each subsequent year. Other basis. For research protocols the typical justification includes the identification of the statistical testing method(s) used and a reference to statistical significance as well as the basis for choosing the number of animals per group such as power analysis, prior experience with this type of research, consultation with a statistician, previously published studies, and/or known variability. Simple tissue utilization protocols should refer to the amount of tissue needed per evaluation, the number of evaluations and animals needed to generate the amount of tissue per assay. A justification based solely upon the use of a certain number of animals over a given time period (e.g., one animal per week) generally is not adequate. 6.D. Experiments. For example a reference to the investigators experience in this area of research, familiarity with the literature, or a literature review can be used to affirm that the research does not unnecessarily duplicate previous work. Note that the repetition of experiments to validate a model in the laboratory, refine a model for further scientific investigation or for other legitimate scientific reasons is acceptable. For teaching protocols, the novel nature of the activity is supported by the fact that students/participants are being trained in or taught the activity in question. 7. It is not practical to include here a complete description of the standard housing and husbandry practices for all species housed by each of the consortial facilities. Most investigators are going to be familiar with what constitutes normal practice for the facility in which they work. Please contact the supervisor of the facility in which the animals will be housed if there are questions. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  8. Submit this page, the Investigator Assurance page, and Participant Qualification pages (for each participant on the project) along with the completed protocol to the appropriate IACUC Secretary. Signature requirements vary by institution. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  Complete the blanks below for the principal investigator and up to two co-investigators. Additional co-investigators can simply be identified as such on a Participant Qualifications page. A signed copy of this page must be submitted to the IACUC Secretary before IACUC approval of the protocol can be granted. For non-departmental affiliations, identify the name of the organization. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  A completed and signed copy of this form for each person listed or working on the protocol must be submitted to the IACUC Secretary before IACUC approval of the protocol can be granted. Six copies of this page are included in this Request to Use Animals form. If more than four persons will work on the project, then additional copies of the page are available in the document identified with the file name Participant qualifications 2. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  For example, Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, Graduate Student, Technical Staff, or other position title or description. For example, anesthesia, behavioral testing, breeding, euthanasia, post-operative care, surgery. The experience/qualifications must be specific to the activities that the individual will perform (e.g., surgical implantation of microdialysis probes, rat anesthesia, mouse euthanasia, rat ovariectomy). A reference to the number of years of experience with the procedures and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training can be used. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  The experience/qualifications should be specific to the activities that the individual will perform (e.g., surgical implantation of microdialysis probes, rat anesthesia, mouse euthanasia, rat ovariectomy). A reference to the number of years of experience with and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training is helpful. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  List any formal course work taken or presentations attended relevant to the use of animals in research, teaching, or testing. Include the date and location. If the participant has had none, enter None. For those who have more than three entries, enter only the three most recent or relevant activities AND include any that are required by the institution. Requirements for formal training vary across the consortium. Contact the IACUC Secretary at the institution to which the protocol will be submitted with questions concerning specific requirements. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  A completed and signed copy of this form for each person listed or working on the protocol must be submitted to the IACUC Secretary before IACUC approval of the protocol can be granted. Six copies of this page are included in this Request to Use Animals form. If more than four persons will work on the project, then additional copies of the page are available in the document identified with the file name Participant qualifications 2. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  For example, Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, Graduate Student, Technical Staff, or other position title or description. For example, anesthesia, behavioral testing, breeding, euthanasia, post-operative care, surgery. The experience/qualifications must be specific to the activities that the individual will perform (e.g., surgical implantation of microdialysis probes, rat anesthesia, mouse euthanasia, rat ovariectomy). A reference to the number of years of experience with the procedures and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training can be used. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  The experience/qualifications should be specific to the activities that the individual will perform (e.g., surgical implantation of microdialysis probes, rat anesthesia, mouse euthanasia, rat ovariectomy). A reference to the number of years of experience with and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training is helpful. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  List any formal course work taken or presentations attended relevant to the use of animals in research, teaching, or testing. Include the date and location. If the participant has had none, enter None. For those who have more than three entries, enter only the three most recent or relevant activities AND include any that are required by the institution. Requirements for formal training vary across the consortium. Contact the IACUC Secretary at the institution to which the protocol will be submitted with questions concerning specific requirements. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  A completed and signed copy of this form for each person listed or working on the protocol must be submitted to the IACUC Secretary before IACUC approval of the protocol can be granted. Six copies of this page are included in this Request to Use Animals form. If more than four persons will work on the project, then additional copies of the page are available in the document identified with the file name Participant qualifications 2. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  For example, Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, Graduate Student, Technical Staff, or other position title or description. For example, anesthesia, behavioral testing, breeding, euthanasia, post-operative care, surgery. The experience/qualifications must be specific to the activities that the individual will perform (e.g., surgical implantation of microdialysis probes, rat anesthesia, mouse euthanasia, rat ovariectomy). A reference to the number of years of experience with the procedures and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training can be used. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  The experience/qualifications should be specific to the activities that the individual will perform (e.g., surgical implantation of microdialysis probes, rat anesthesia, mouse euthanasia, rat ovariectomy). A reference to the number of years of experience with and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training is helpful. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  List any formal course work taken or presentations attended relevant to the use of animals in research, teaching, or testing. Include the date and location. If the participant has had none, enter None. For those who have more than three entries, enter only the three most recent or relevant activities AND include any that are required by the institution. Requirements for formal training vary across the consortium. Contact the IACUC Secretary at the institution to which the protocol will be submitted with questions concerning specific requirements. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  A completed and signed copy of this form for each person listed or working on the protocol must be submitted to the IACUC Secretary before IACUC approval of the protocol can be granted. Six copies of this page are included in this Request to Use Animals form. If more than four persons will work on the project, then additional copies of the page are available in the document identified with the file name Participant qualifications 2. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  For example, Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, Graduate Student, Technical Staff, or other position title or description. 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A reference to the number of years of experience with the procedures and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training can be used. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  The experience/qualifications should be specific to the activities that the individual will perform (e.g., surgical implantation of microdialysis probes, rat anesthesia, mouse euthanasia, rat ovariectomy). A reference to the number of years of experience with and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training is helpful. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  List any formal course work taken or presentations attended relevant to the use of animals in research, teaching, or testing. Include the date and location. If the participant has had none, enter None. For those who have more than three entries, enter only the three most recent or relevant activities AND include any that are required by the institution. Requirements for formal training vary across the consortium. Contact the IACUC Secretary at the institution to which the protocol will be submitted with questions concerning specific requirements. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  A completed and signed copy of this form for each person listed or working on the protocol must be submitted to the IACUC Secretary before IACUC approval of the protocol can be granted. Six copies of this page are included in this Request to Use Animals form. If more than four persons will work on the project, then additional copies of the page are available in the document identified with the file name Participant qualifications 2. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  For example, Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, Graduate Student, Technical Staff, or other position title or description. For example, anesthesia, behavioral testing, breeding, euthanasia, post-operative care, surgery. The experience/qualifications must be specific to the activities that the individual will perform (e.g., surgical implantation of microdialysis probes, rat anesthesia, mouse euthanasia, rat ovariectomy). A reference to the number of years of experience with the procedures and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training can be used. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  The experience/qualifications should be specific to the activities that the individual will perform (e.g., surgical implantation of microdialysis probes, rat anesthesia, mouse euthanasia, rat ovariectomy). A reference to the number of years of experience with and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training is helpful. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  List any formal course work taken or presentations attended relevant to the use of animals in research, teaching, or testing. Include the date and location. If the participant has had none, enter None. For those who have more than three entries, enter only the three most recent or relevant activities AND include any that are required by the institution. Requirements for formal training vary across the consortium. Contact the IACUC Secretary at the institution to which the protocol will be submitted with questions concerning specific requirements. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  A completed and signed copy of this form for each person listed or working on the protocol must be submitted to the IACUC Secretary before IACUC approval of the protocol can be granted. Six copies of this page are included in this Request to Use Animals form. If more than four persons will work on the project, then additional copies of the page are available in the document identified with the file name Participant qualifications 2. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  For example, Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, Graduate Student, Technical Staff, or other position title or description. For example, anesthesia, behavioral testing, breeding, euthanasia, post-operative care, surgery. The experience/qualifications must be specific to the activities that the individual will perform (e.g., surgical implantation of microdialysis probes, rat anesthesia, mouse euthanasia, rat ovariectomy). A reference to the number of years of experience with the procedures and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training can be used. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  The experience/qualifications should be specific to the activities that the individual will perform (e.g., surgical implantation of microdialysis probes, rat anesthesia, mouse euthanasia, rat ovariectomy). A reference to the number of years of experience with and/or number of procedures performed or the person who provided the training is helpful. For those individuals who do not have the necessary training or experience, it is acceptable to indicate that they will be trained by the experienced staff listed on the project, by the attending veterinarian, or by members of the animal facility staff who are experienced in the procedure. For teaching activities, only the training and experience of the instructors must be provided. It is not necessary to describe it for the students or trainee participants in the course. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  List any formal course work taken or presentations attended relevant to the use of animals in research, teaching, or testing. Include the date and location. If the participant has had none, enter None. For those who have more than three entries, enter only the three most recent or relevant activities AND include any that are required by the institution. Requirements for formal training vary across the consortium. Contact the IACUC Secretary at the institution to which the protocol will be submitted with questions concerning specific requirements. eghišĚŚƚўӞԞrsԟ՟#$:<=>W`ϨШfoªêGH̸ȴԴ̸ȸȸ̸̸̸ȴԴ̸ȸȸ̸h}jh90JU h90Jh9jh9Uh\CJOJQJaJmH sH h^jh^0JUjh^U h^0JGGTU P !$1$@&^gd9gd9UVlnop,5h95OJQJaJh\qh\CJOJQJaJmH sH jh90JU h90Jjh9Uh9 < 00&P:pc3#BP/ =!"#$% F00P&P:p$S|BP/ =!"#$% Dp600&PBP/ =!"#$% < 00&P:pTVBP/ =!"#$% ? 000&P:p BP/ =!"#$% < 00&P:p BP/ =!"#$% ? 000&P:p BP/ =!"#$% 90&P:pK 3BP/ =!"#$% ? 000&P:p BP/ =!"#$% 90&P:p BP/ =!"#$% ? 000&P:pz2BP/ =!"#$% 30&PBP/ =!"#$% ? 000&P:pz2BP/ =!"#$% 90&P:psfBP/ =!"#$% ? 000&P:pz2BP/ =!"#$% 90&P:psfBP/ =!"#$% ? 000&P:pz2BP/ =!"#$% 90&P:psfBP/ =!"#$% ? 000&P:pz2BP/ =!"#$% 90&P:psfBP/ =!"#$% ? 000&P:pz2BP/ =!"#$% 90&P:psfBP/ =!"#$% ? 000&P:pz2BP/ =!"#$% 90&P:psfBP/ =!"#$% ? 000&P:pz2BP/ =!"#$% tDText2v$$If!vh#v$:V l@065$aytjD<v$$If!vh#v$:V lK065$ayttDCheck9tDeCheck3tDCheck7tDCheck5vDeCheck40tDCheck6vDeCheck41tDCheck5vDeCheck42tDCheck9tDCheck9jDZs$$If!vh#v$:V 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