External Use Research Facilities Equipment Guidelines

The University may, when appropriate, make its research facilities and equipment available for use by external entities or persons. Those who are not University researchers may use University research facilities or equipment only if the use will not disrupt regular academic, laboratory, or research programs of the University and the facility or equipment is not needed by University faculty, students, or other employees at the requested time. The University reserves the right in its sole discretion to refuse use of its research facilities or equipment.

External users may apply to use the facilities/equipment by submitting a written request to the chair of the department responsible for the facilities/equipment. The department chair or their designee will then submit a Collaboration Submission Form to the 香蕉福利直播 Research Corporation, attention Jack Kraszewski.

Hazardous Materials

The requester must specify if any hazardous materials, controlled substances or genetically altered materials will be used. If so, the requester must also submit an acceptable plan for the control of the materials and compliance with state and federal law before the university will approve the Research Facilities and Equipment Use Agreement.

Terms and Conditions

The requester must agree to:

  • Add University as an additional insured to its commercial insurance or a reasonable self-insurance mechanism.
  • Indemnify and hold the University harmless for any damages arising from the user's activities conducted in University facilities;
  • Reimburse the University for any damages, clean-up or hazardous waste related expenses, including disposal, shipping, damages, and/or penalties, caused by or imposed as a result of user's use of University's facilities/equipment.

Approval Process

The department chair will recommend approval/disapproval to the Vice President for Research or his designee. If approval is granted by the Vice President for Research, the parties will enter into an appropriate Research Facilities and Equipment Use Agreement.  Modifications may be made with the approval of 香蕉福利直播RC and/or the Vice President for Research or their designee. An approved user must schedule use through the appropriate individual responsible for the facility and the department chair.


External users performing research in a University facility are subject to University policies and procedures, including those that govern the conduct of research. Any misrepresentations contained in the request or agreement, any use of the facilities for purposes other than those stated, or any failure to comply with University policies and procedures or the Research Facilities and Equipment Use Agreement will be grounds for immediate cancellation of the agreement.

Administration of Fees

The University will not subsidize any individual or business with University funds, nor will it allow a user to gain an unfair competitive advantage over other businesses. The fees charged for use will be assessed by the department chair or his designee in consultation with a representative from 香蕉福利直播RC, and will depend on the type of facilities or equipment used.

Fees will be paid to a 香蕉福利直播RC designated account to be administered by 香蕉福利直播RC and Sponsored Programs and Research Services.

Total direct costs are subject to the industry F&A rate of 48.5%. The F&A costs recovered will be administered by 香蕉福利直播RC.

Mailing Address
香蕉福利直播 Research Corporation
2121 Euclid Avenue
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
2258 Euclid Avenue
Phone: 216.687.9364
Fax: 216.687.9214