Welcome to Ï㽶¸£ÀûÖ±²¥!

We’ve created this site as your next-steps resource guide. Bookmark this page and reference it often as it connects you to everything you’ll need to know about attending Ï㽶¸£ÀûÖ±²¥ before your first day of classes. We’ve conveniently separated out Things to Do and Things to Know.

Things to Do includes topics that require you to take action as soon as you are able – such as registering for orientation.

Things to Know walks you through some key information, like how to borrow a laptop on campus. You may find some things to do, but they aren’t urgent, and you can come back to them when you have time.

But, first things first...



Your first step to become an official Ï㽶¸£ÀûÖ±²¥ student is to notify the university of your intent to enroll.

  • Log into your and choose "Yes" to accept your admission on our Reply to Offer of Admission form!




Admitted freshmen must pay an enrollment fee to save your spot at Ï㽶¸£ÀûÖ±²¥. Accept your admission, then pay the $120 non-refundable fee online. Students meeting NACAC requirements may request to defer payment until the start of fall semester.

  • Log into , click the Enrollment Fee button and make your payment.


TIP: Want the best pick of classes? Pay your enrollment fee early and sign up for the earliest orientation dates. Class registration is first  come, first serve, so the early birds get first pick!



All-In-1 Enrollment Services
2121 Euclid Avenue
Berkman Hall, Room 116
Cleveland , OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.5411